How Can You Take Part in SCV?

Saint Catherine’s Vision seeks your assistance to help us prayerfully cultivate a collaborative discipline of study, discourse, witness and congruent philanthropic action in humble service of Divine Compassion or eleos. We desire to foster this disciplined, working style as a way to bear witness to the Orthodox understanding of conciliarity, koinonia. We must not remain passive, allowing contemporary forces to define reality in terms of materialism and individualism!

Through prayer, study, education, publications, Pan-Orthodox fellowship and connecting, we seek to become trustworthy partners in facilitating new and/or enhance already established avenues of communication among diverse persons serving within the life of the Church today. We are committed to this work, so that personally and collectively, as sisters and brothers, we may discover once again that which is ever fresh and new within the life of the Church: Life-giving Divine Compassion, eleos, in the presence of the loving God, Thrice-Holy.

If you are inspired to do something more, join us with prayers, sharing your time and talents, donations and liking us on Facebook!

Please consider the following:

+ Pray for the work of Saint Catherine's Vision and for those whom this work may touch.

+ Suggest our books the Encountering Series Volume I and II to your parish clergy, religious and community educators, students of the Bible and Christian history, religious organizations, women's group, students, friends, family, or others.

+ Suggest that your parish bookstore, local bookstore, and local community and/or college library carry our books.

+ Write a review of our books at and elsewhere.

+ Continue to visit our website for more updates about our work.

+ Invite one or two of the authors of our books to speak at your local parish. 

+ Volunteer to assist with the work of Saint Catherine's Vision.

+ Send us an e-mail with suggestions for future endeavors, topics, and/or saints to study.

+ Consider helping this unique ministry grow through your financial support.  SCV receives most of its revenues through private donations.  We anticipate that much work may be waiting for us (John 4:35). Your support will be deeply appreciated, please consider donating now.

+ Be patient and continue to pray for us please.  SCV is a very young initiative!